
Improve Your Net Promoter Score with Visual Support

As reported by Bain & Company to Bloomberg, more than two-thirds of Fortune 1000 companies use NPS to gauge the likelihood of customers churning. The evaluation determines the need for proactive activities that target the unhappy customer and address any negative issues before they abandon ship or worse, damage the brand with negative word-of-mouth.

When a customer contacts a call center with an issue, the agent has a small window of opportunity to either impress the customer with a good experience or frustrate him with a negative one. Customer effort, agent engagement and agent knowledge are three of the most critical elements that influence customer satisfaction. Finding a solution that addresses each of these elements is key to turning a passive customer into an active promoter as you improve your Net Promoter Score.

Download the data sheet now and learn how utilizing a visual communication channel – live video, recorded video, photo stream or photo chat messaging – can facilitate issue resolution and give your NPS a massive boost. With 33% of U.S. consumers loyal to brands that engage them in “multi-sensory” experiences such as virtual reality or augmented reality, find out how visual support can power your business along the road to improved NPS.


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